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Take a closer look at our design!
I made my first Critter Couch sitting on my apartment floor at 2am after wanting to take a picture of Chili Bean in a shrunken living room and realizing there are just NO hedgehog sized couches out there! I pulled out my hot glue gun, found an old dress to use for fabric, and cut up an amazon box with a kitchen knife for the structure... I truly was thinking on the fly.
Since then, I've figured out how to make these couches with actual materials (shout out Hobby Lobby) that are sturdy, pet-safe, and Chili Bean-approved.
The Design

Cozy Couch Sweatshirt Set

Couch & Blanket

Couch & Blanket

Couch Support

Couch without Cushions

Back of Couch

Side of Couch

Sugar Sweet Couch

Sugar Sweet Couch

Couch & Tinies

Patterned Classic Couch

Back of Couch

Bottom of Couch

Couch without Cushions

Side of Couch

S'Mores' Arm Chair

Polka Dot Couch

Floral Print Couch

Terracotta Couch Set

Chonky's Couch

Chonky's Couch

Zebra Couch Set

Zebra Couch Set

Custom Snake Pillow
The Tinies

Throw Blanket

Name Embroidery

Hedgie Embroidery

Embroidered Pillow

Tiny Floor Pillow


Tiny Pillows

Tiny Ottoman

Tiny Blanket
The Process

Internal Structure

Couch Frame

Bottom Cushion

Frame Stain

Frame and Structure

Couch Structure

Bottom Cushion


Cushion Structure
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